Today's in-service was at Orchid Country Club playing Paintball Compeition.
We had briefing, as usual, for the game rules, play and safety regulation

all of us were paying attention ,
except me
I was in the 1st team that kicks off the whole competition. We hasd some discussion and strategy planned. All was prepared for the
battle =)
*Siren honked* All of us dashed to the our planned station for cover-up and held our attack-cum-defense line.
We had 2 missions to complete - First, was to shoot down 2 stickman, only then we can retrieve this box and run back to our base.

After shooting down the 2 stickmen by
ME, i dashed up towards the box, grabbed it, and sped back towards my base.
GAME WONhmm, not only i am a .22 and 0.38 marksman, i think i can score marksman for the paintball gun too
and that's why i kept grumbling the fact that i should be in the operational unit. - Never mind -
we applied the same tactics for the 2nd rnd. We won. I was the one who took the box but unfortunately, i was shot and my team mates cover up for me while i go to the 1st aid hut to
restart my life.
WE WON TOOAfter the game:

while the other game was in progressing:

ok, then we waited for our next game, coz we were the winner. we waited and waited. and i thought the time was getting closer to the meeting time with my daughter for lunch. so i decided to give up my role in the team and find a replacement because I never have lunch with her. so i thought it's therefore important.
I booked a cab and set off to City Hall (FEI[for everyone's info]: i hardly take cab let alone book) with 3 more colleagues of mine. So i was just in time for the lunch. Alrite, thanks her for the effort in finding the place out.

i talked about sch results, university. and that started to make me worry. She told me that there were a lot of candidates who scored A+, distinction, she knew because she was the one of the administrators.
I started to feel so lost, afraid, unfaze by the fact that i need to spend a lot more money in private Uni, distracted, alot alot of negative stuff that u can think of, upon hearing what my daughter told me. and this is the same topic that i mentioned with my 3 colleagues when we were in the cab. But i was still willingly to try to know more.haiz.. i'm really unsure of whether i am able to study in Uni...
cast that aside. I think i am a total horrible creature the whole of today. Stepped out of the house, walked a few distance, only then realised that i didn't bring my ez-link card.
BUT, as i was about to reach my home, i touched my pocket, the ez-link card was alrite inside. -.-"
Before i reached office, we were told to flash our card. And while preparing my bag, i remembered clearly that i had put it in. But to my horror, i didn't find it while i searched high and down in the bag. then again. when i thought the wire of my mp3 player was obstructing my searching and was about to keep it, then i remembered it was in the same pocket as my mp3 player.
After the lunch with my daughter, as i was walking her out of the MRT underground tunnel. i kept searching for my ez-link card AGAIN in the bag. ARGH! i was so damn pissed off that i went to toilet and took off everything, only then AGAIN i remembered that i put it in the small compartment of the bag.
reached office 20 mins late. a lot of work piled up for me to do.. etc..
then suddenly:
Mdm A: Weida, come to my desk later.
Weida: orh (quite loud)
Mdm A: huh?!
Everybody laughed! -.-""""
Mdm A: i'm calling out for ur Mdm lah.
ARGH!! i can go crazy today le lah..
malu siaabt to reach my home, then my bro smsed me and helped me to collect the photo for him.
WAH SEH. not that i dun want to collect for him. and thanks i have to walk back and helped him to collect the photo. i was already quite near to my house.
Now is 10.11 pm. i hope there will not be an
stunt for me anymore. i cannot
tahan already.