This is the year of good surprises for me. and i like this year very much. And this was when i was in Sec 3
I was appointed to be parade commander for the sch-based NDP. hmm, i could say it's bit of luck when i was chosen.
It goes in this way.
i was in npcc hut when my mentor was talking with
tilden (who was the initial PC) and when
tilden he left the hut, my mentor called me over and asked me qns like "do i scare of crowd", "do i scare of shouting command in front of crowd"
all of my ans to these qns were "no"
and i'm not sure when was it that my mentor announced that i will be PC for the NDP and i was really really in a gread deal of shock as "why it is me" and "how about the sec 4 and sec 5"
anyway, i thought they might be some jealousy among the upper sec, but amazingly, there wasn't and the sec 4s and 5s were very supportive of me.
I dun know who were there for me but i like to say thanks to all of you. and not to forget my fellow sqdmates.
Tilden taught me all the neccessary parade procedures and i was having quite a difficult time because i was CPL then, and i wasn't taught on how the parade is like as well as the commands.
so when the 1st rehearsal was ran, there was a lot of thing i do not know. The NCC was, all the while, in charge of the parade form-up and commands..
and the NCC personnel and teachers all gave me that fed-up look, and was thinking why i do not know a single thing. but they didn't realised that i was only a CPL. and so fed-up the teacher was, he scolded "FUCK" right in front of all the uniformed grp over the mic..
but somehow, i didn't manage to hear. anyway, i felt it was alrite, and i moved it on when my classmate asked what did i feel on tat remarks..
so, after some rehearsal, the NCCs wrote me a list of parade commands to be shouted and of course expected me to memorise. and i'm more familiarise with the parades on-goings, etc..
so, the news of me being a PC was spread to my teachers. and they all came and told me that i was the ever youngest PC for the school... and ohh.. i was very very surprised.. my principal too, praised me for this over the morning assembly. i feel so blessed.
so on the last rehearsal which was with the rest of the school, i still remembered how my friends came up to me, wished me all the best, as well as my bro's classmates, i feel so damn lucky to such classmates, friends and cca-friends supporting me.
and not to forget my form teacher, Mrs Lua aka Lim Bee Buat, went all around the parade ground telling other teachers, that the boy in front is from my form class. -.-" haha..
so, on the actual day, checked everything, and raring to go. so does the GOH, and the supporting contingent. So 1st PC arranged the parade for me to go in and call upon GOH.
after the parade is sized and arranged, we were to wait for the guest. and i still remember how freaking long i have to wait. I stood there and wait in "at ease" posture. That year was the year where the national song "Home" was written. it was sung by Kit Chan. and i kinda hate the time the VIP took to come. and i still could remember "Home" was broadcasted in eng, chi and malay and some traditional singapore theme songs and yet he still hasn't come.
nabei, my foot was numbed and so much so that it turn cold. i dislike the itchiness of sweat that ticked down slowly from my forehead to the nose. but i can't do anything coz all eyes were on me. so i had to endure.. and endure..
and if you think that's the end.. nope.. the sweat decided to hang on at the tip of my nose. and again the itchiness was there, i tried to blow it away.. but i can't blow it too hard because the mic was attached just beside to my mouth and i feared that the audience might listen to what i was doing.
so when the VIP finally came, i made the parade to attention. it's a torture feeling after all those stomping of foot and marching that came after a long stand-still. and i must be damn lucky that i didnt' lose my balance..
nothing much to talk about after that as all my friends and teachers said it was fantastic performnaces.
that year summed up a lot of positive signs. that was the first time that i got awarded for scoring the best subject from the school, the contingent commander for the school's annual event (forgot what it was called as) and then the parade commander.
and this evening, i went to a (dun know what event). it was some kind of chinese dinner and with bidding on. have to pay $50 (regardless of no. of person) for that.. so expensive. it was at BP.

settling down

the bidding items are on the stage
these ppl are crazy and feelingrich thsoe 10 kg of rice, can be bidded till $288. -.-"
so, next time, if you all need some kind of luck, you can come to me. i will do the same.. let u all bid for something, then upon successfuly bidding, i will bless the item for luck and in turn to u all. and in such case above, i charge you all less.. maybe $188..
sorry for the poor standard of english used.