Monday, September 18, 2006

How to get fat in 10 days

Recently, i was being approached by an editor to write a book and he had an idea on what's the title of the book is.

"How To Get Fat In 10 Days"

take a sneek preview before it is release to the market.

Day 1:

Do nothing. Just eat at your normal intake for 3 meals. Namely: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
After all, these are the 3 meals normal human consume.

Day 2:

Before you eat, pamper, relax and massage yourself. This is because it's to relax body to digest food better. (Example below). Again. please don't forget to eat after this session.

Day 3:

Find a room like this. So relax, quiet and settle down after your meals. Maybe you can watch some movies. Remember do not fall asleep.

Day 4:

Remember after every meals, have a pair of mini cornetto. and please, just only a pair a day

Day 5:

People say Health is Wealth and Wealth is Health. Since it's to get FAT HEALTHILY, you need to do one thing per day. You are to smile like this (with a wide grin) in front of mirror at least once a day. To put it crudely, it's trying to be lame

From Day 6 till Day 10, kindly repeat the procedures from Day 1 till Day 5. This book will be on sale on 31st of Sept 2006 at all local bookstores at a cost of $5.

Show me some support!