this week is a pretty good and weird week for me and my sqd mates...
sun 30th oct 2005
had my duty on that day and i had to report by 6.30am at PA.. kinda tiring ah.. thought of getting down by taxi.. but my father rode me there instead..
so still pretty all right.. no rushing here and there..
reached there at around 6.15 am.. there's pretty fast .. around 15+ mins
had nothing to do as there isn't anyone around..
spent 16 hours yawning.. so darn boring..
mon 31st oct 2005
had training for the whole day.. as usual.. and by 4.30.. we were all rushing to bath.. hmm.. Y?
coz we are booking out +) as the next day will be deepavali..
tue 1st nov 2005
did nothing at home.. rotting and rotting and walking-in tonight..
wed 2nd nov 2005
worst training of all! had lesson in the morning.. and guess what..
all training session in the afternoon were all canceled.. freaking lame -_-"
till 5.30pm, we only then walk out
thur 3rd nov 2005
watched man utd match.. hmm.. kinda disappointing.. waste my energy and watch..
after that.. slept till 1+ pm.. slacked all the way and book in the night..
fri 4th nov 2005
training as per normal
book out again..
so a week of walking in and out in PA.. tiring..
Happy Deepavali and Selemat Hari Raya