A very fun-filled programme all lined up this week.
First on hand was a FREE buffet lunch in Sakura Restaurant where I will enjoy food like japanese, chinese cusine. The dessert was fantastic as well. Anyway, i was damn bloated after the whole lunch had finished.
Second on hand was a very healthy lifestyle. Jogging every lunch time for nearly 2 working weeks. Each running session is 30 mins. But today was the most tiring. Not too sure what happen to the jogging machine, but at the end of 30 mins, my shirt was so soaked that it seemed to have just taken out from water. Whatever it is, the calories burnt was 400. So I felt pretty light.
Third thing on hand was my wireless router for my internet had spoilt. Luckily I have a spare router at home which was meant to sell away. Fixed it, and get it running. Done with all neccessary stuff in 10 mins time.
Fourth thing, I had cleared and clarified everything with her and I feel so relieve inside me. :)
Fifth thing, the paedophile was caught some days after he entered Thailand when Interpol sought international help via their official website. I think the camera locatd at the immigration counter was definitely right as it serve a purpose of ID photo and most importantly, the most recent face. Hmm, this also tells me if I break the law in singapore, I can't go to Thailand! haa.. ehh, just kidding.
Sixth thing, my brother will be holding his 21st birthday tomorrow, ehh, out of the sudden. I don't know what to buy yet.
Seventh thing, I just submitted my time chit to my employee. I had worked for 102.5 hrs. OT is included and for the past 11 working days, I accumulated 14.5 hours. Pls multiply the hours by my 1.5x normal salary rate.
Eighth thing, I will be going to chalet after my bro's birthday party. Hmm, i have no choice but to go later as he suddenly planned for a birthday party. Zzzz
Nineth thing, my facial hair has been growing like nobody business. I think i should rename my english name (though I am not serious with this name), to Hairy. Take a look at my hairy facial hair.
The hairy me...
Hmm, but i think since my horoscope is rat, therefore this photo looks more suitable.
Photo of the day to cheer me up: