Saturday, September 22, 2007

I'm confused.. Seriously confused..

Hi (to whoever who read it)

Life is currently good now. I got a temp job for 5 days a week, working for 8 hrs a day, for the next 3 months.

And that would means I have to buy some clothing, belt, and pant to work which cost me $110+. It also meant that I will have to work 3 days to cover back these expenses. Hmm, ok, enough of the saying, it still not a bad deal for this job.

Enough of the job.

I went to pay a visit to a fortune teller. This "consultation" cost me $170+. But the things he said were pretty true. Maybe I can share with you all the thing he said.

I will have to change/switch 3 jobs before finding the right job/career for me.
I have a boss life.
Will be in the IT line.

This is kinda bad
- Late Marriage - Not too sure what age, i didn't ask too
- Rare comings in getting a girlfriend, let alone a relationship. And even if I do get into relationship, it will normally not last and will broke off very fast. SIGH!!
- Will get a very capable wife, whom she is pretty and rich. (I just want someone that i can love ar)

All are good. No major illness.

Alright, skip to other main topics for this week

Anyway, it seemed to good overall. Despite all the general good remarks, I ill not be complacent of my future. Anyway, i will work hard for it.

Watched Me...Myself on thursday. What a relief that it's not those nice love story though on the whole it's not a bad movie. Else I will be very depressed throughout it! The theme song is nice and hopefully, i will be able to get hold of it quick enough.

Hmm, I'm on the verge of discussing for an overseas trip yet again. I bet that you all will know where i will be going.

The difficult part is not to choose whether to go or not, but how to tell my parents about it.

But coming to think again, will i be making the right choice to go there?