Wednesday, October 04, 2006

ehhhh.. this video

got this video from my cousin.. and i think this is very interesting.. so take a look..

got dizzy spell these few days, i guess i may have to sleep early.

good news seh.. i'm soon to be promoted in 9 days time, but i really think that i shouldn't be promoted based on my work performances. ya, not that i am humble. i know my performances shouldn't be promoted, nevertheless, my supervisors were gracious enough to recommend me. thanks a lot...

and the pay that comes along with the promotion?!! haha.. impressive. $250 increment. with the last 3 months of NS, an further $50 increment of allowance. and that excludes the meal allowance.

congrats to me : ))

lastly dun forget to watch the videos... and anotherr good news from me on the next entry..