Tuesday, April 22, 2008

For viewing pleasure

Saw this video posted by one of my friends in Facebook.

Click on the link out of curiosity, and putting it up here is a sign of good recommendation

Wonder if i say that he is brave or he is funny or a bit silly. U grade it urself.

A sample of the video.

Just click here. http://www.youtube.com/user/rawangboy

Read through the report from the COI and I found out that the character of the staff was something that they didn't really tackle.

Why do i say so?

I went to the Detention Centre a couple of years ago as a visitor when i was serving my NS. When we finished our tour, one of my fellow 'colleague' asked the guide...

Q: Why were there two tall fences inside the forest?
A: (Readily ans the qns) Well, it was meant to keep the terrorist/terrorist suspect.

I was stunned and sweat a bit when i heard.

First question that i asked myself, why did they put all these dangerous people in the middle of the Singapore? Wouldn't it be logical to put them in changi prison?

Second question, why did the guide answer that question so readily? Doesn't he think that there will be a breach of confidentiality? Does he also think that all Police NS are all with clean background? Doesn't he think that the police NSF will pass the word along? Maybe there isn't much problem to them

It's a pity and shame that i wasn't happen to be in that area when he escaped as I already know the purpose of that place and would have definitely follow or try to capture mas selemat, seeing his unusual attire.

Whatever it is, that was over and all we can hope is that to put him behind bars again.

If you all want the document for the report, kindly contact me