Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random - Accenture

Just to fill up the gaps from the last entry. Well.. this post will be kinda a random one.. nothing specific to note and mention.

Started off this week is yet another busy work, with problems related to my work scope. but the problem wasn't started off by me. so this has dragged on for a couple of days until yesterday, it was fully done with.

Chatted with cindy recently, a colleague in the co. but not in the same project, and i grumbled about my work and one topic was very interesting; my contract terms. I just remembered/realised that my contract states working day is from mon to fri. Which makes me realised that my boss NEVER tell me that i need to work on sat and HR NEVER informed me of this same goes for my PM (project manager). This means that i can SUE Accenture!

Why was this topic mentioned by the conversation with cindy? I was told by my temp. boss that i may have to work on this weekend as well as next weekend. 12 saturdays in a year, that i need to work. there's a couple of months that i went to work on a couple of saturdays in each month.

That also means i am working potentially an extra 20 days = another 1 working month!!!! fuck. which means i am not paid on the "14th" month.

Seriously, i dun understand why are there people dying to join Accenture.

Care to enlighten me, people-who-are-dying-to-join-accenture?
