weekends fun
Morning Madness and preparation
Fri was my leave day and the day where my sun nu will hold chalet bdae celebration. as usual, i didn't tell my parents about my leave day so i left house at 7.30 am. but after some torturous long hours of strolling ard _CK just to wait for my mum to leave house for her work, i actually bumped into her at the same escalator at her workplace. -.- CHECKMATE.. die
but never mind la, i just siam her upon reaching the destination storey. what an unfilial son
anyway, then i went home since she's out already and prepared myself to meet my sun nu at BL to buy stuff and then headed towards her aunt's house to rest, take stuff and sing .. haha
her aunt was so interactive but at least it is better than my mum :p and her aunt commented that i looked like 16. *ahem* forever young! haha. and then my turn to guess her daughter's age while i was singing. and haha, i guessed wrong.
Downtown East
anyway, we left and headed to downtown east and checked in.
Rented 2 xbox games.
realised that i never bring my hp charger so i off my hp during the afternoon so to save the batt over the night.
played some xbox games, slacking around, watching tv with my sun nu. it was rather boring, and she threatened me to take photos with her:

waited for ppl to arrive, then we start fire.. but not a single ppl arrived at around 7 pm. and i suggested to mad that we could start fire if not it might be too late by the time we finish setting up the fire
so off we to start, and ppl started flow in. luckily we started, if not they had to wait even longer.
the much-waited JY that i wish to meet her finally turn up, after waiting for a year+ (excluding the NRA thingy). ya ya..

haha, this looks so wrong, like family photo

with this photo, i know why my sun nu's aunt said i look like 16. hmm. i think i look more like some pri sch students, just that it's an overgrown pri student.
ok, bbqing, chatting, singing of bdae song, and sabotaging of the birthday lady..

everybody except

sorry, i forgot to contact u all earlier

the masterpiece by her MDIS classmates
After BBQ
hanged out ard and had chat with jy and my daughter. while my sun nu came here and then, coz she needs to wash-up and entertain her mdis friends..
and we played game. Animal Farm, 007, and loser will have to drink.. argh
ok, so in the end, everybody played and everybody drank and almost everybody started to go haywire when the alcohol have their effect.
and i was stopped from further drinking alcohol not because i'm drunk but because my face was red as a monkey's butt. but it's good also, because i dun want to drink too.
and everybody started crazy...

that's nice posture and nice capture by my daughter and ,haha, on my good camera

grooving now...

the only 2 red-face ppl. and it's very red!
and that was 3 of (dun know how many more photos) of crazy actions.
and after some hours of crazy actions and talking-cock, ppl started to go off..

and have to thanks our official photographer for her effort in capturing the images.
The Next Day
Woke up jy and my daughter for their own separate programme, and shortly after, sun nu and i also start to clear up and check out.
had our breakfast, then returned key and waited for the xbox rental shop to open while JY was waiting for us after her breakfast with her bf. thanks for the wait!
and when everything's settled, we rushed to interchange to meet up with JY and home sweet home.

look at my poor neck, i have to stretch so long.. haha, i think JY must have hate me. =x
and lastly, hope that my sun nu had fun! but u gotta wait for 1 more week! haha
I think i stayed at home all day long. it was because i was too tired to go out
Meet up with raq, sun tian, jack, sam, HL, kx and joanne (in order of appearances) for a game of bowling @ marina square.
hmm, had 2 rds. i think i was pathetic. i scored the lowest pt. but things changed for the 2nd rd.. i might score a little bit well if not HL's last-min disturbance.. -.-" haha.. and i was placed 3rd position out of 6. ehh.. not bad right? consider that i scored the lowest for the previous rd. hmm, this shows that i am a talented sportsman. :p SSC, u should call me up for trial! haha
had dinner at yuki saki ( i think so), and eat our way up to tonnes of sushi, DIY raw cooked meats and vegs and then our own cooked ice-cream. no pictures yet though..
i think it's enough.. it's a god-damn long entry
Fri was my leave day and the day where my sun nu will hold chalet bdae celebration. as usual, i didn't tell my parents about my leave day so i left house at 7.30 am. but after some torturous long hours of strolling ard _CK just to wait for my mum to leave house for her work, i actually bumped into her at the same escalator at her workplace. -.- CHECKMATE.. die
but never mind la, i just siam her upon reaching the destination storey. what an unfilial son
anyway, then i went home since she's out already and prepared myself to meet my sun nu at BL to buy stuff and then headed towards her aunt's house to rest, take stuff and sing .. haha
her aunt was so interactive but at least it is better than my mum :p and her aunt commented that i looked like 16. *ahem* forever young! haha. and then my turn to guess her daughter's age while i was singing. and haha, i guessed wrong.
Downtown East
anyway, we left and headed to downtown east and checked in.
Rented 2 xbox games.
realised that i never bring my hp charger so i off my hp during the afternoon so to save the batt over the night.
played some xbox games, slacking around, watching tv with my sun nu. it was rather boring, and she threatened me to take photos with her:

waited for ppl to arrive, then we start fire.. but not a single ppl arrived at around 7 pm. and i suggested to mad that we could start fire if not it might be too late by the time we finish setting up the fire
so off we to start, and ppl started flow in. luckily we started, if not they had to wait even longer.
the much-waited JY that i wish to meet her finally turn up, after waiting for a year+ (excluding the NRA thingy). ya ya..

haha, this looks so wrong, like family photo

with this photo, i know why my sun nu's aunt said i look like 16. hmm. i think i look more like some pri sch students, just that it's an overgrown pri student.
ok, bbqing, chatting, singing of bdae song, and sabotaging of the birthday lady..

everybody except

sorry, i forgot to contact u all earlier

the masterpiece by her MDIS classmates
After BBQ
hanged out ard and had chat with jy and my daughter. while my sun nu came here and then, coz she needs to wash-up and entertain her mdis friends..
and we played game. Animal Farm, 007, and loser will have to drink.. argh
ok, so in the end, everybody played and everybody drank and almost everybody started to go haywire when the alcohol have their effect.
and i was stopped from further drinking alcohol not because i'm drunk but because my face was red as a monkey's butt. but it's good also, because i dun want to drink too.
and everybody started crazy...

that's nice posture and nice capture by my daughter and ,haha, on my good camera

grooving now...

the only 2 red-face ppl. and it's very red!
and that was 3 of (dun know how many more photos) of crazy actions.
and after some hours of crazy actions and talking-cock, ppl started to go off..

and have to thanks our official photographer for her effort in capturing the images.
The Next Day
Woke up jy and my daughter for their own separate programme, and shortly after, sun nu and i also start to clear up and check out.
had our breakfast, then returned key and waited for the xbox rental shop to open while JY was waiting for us after her breakfast with her bf. thanks for the wait!
and when everything's settled, we rushed to interchange to meet up with JY and home sweet home.

look at my poor neck, i have to stretch so long.. haha, i think JY must have hate me. =x
and lastly, hope that my sun nu had fun! but u gotta wait for 1 more week! haha
I think i stayed at home all day long. it was because i was too tired to go out
Meet up with raq, sun tian, jack, sam, HL, kx and joanne (in order of appearances) for a game of bowling @ marina square.
hmm, had 2 rds. i think i was pathetic. i scored the lowest pt. but things changed for the 2nd rd.. i might score a little bit well if not HL's last-min disturbance.. -.-" haha.. and i was placed 3rd position out of 6. ehh.. not bad right? consider that i scored the lowest for the previous rd. hmm, this shows that i am a talented sportsman. :p SSC, u should call me up for trial! haha
had dinner at yuki saki ( i think so), and eat our way up to tonnes of sushi, DIY raw cooked meats and vegs and then our own cooked ice-cream. no pictures yet though..
i think it's enough.. it's a god-damn long entry
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