Thursday, May 11, 2006



i didn't realise that i didn't blog for so many days. well.. wanna blog yesterday.. but i decided to sleep early.. i think 9+ pm? or 8+ pm.??

it was kinda fun.

we had teambuilding for half-a-day @ NACLI, and i felt that i learnt a lot of things even it's a short duration. And of course, I'm in a winning group in a competitive game.

Reached office at around 2.30 pm. hmm.. cool.. worked for 3.5 hours, and a day was concluded.


Today lagi best. Had a good working day before a public holiday. here how it goes:

Work started at around 0830. and ard 1000 hrs.. we had a small discussion.

an unique way of having discussion , even in a weird room - that's our life

we stood for 15+ mins having discussion in Pantry.

next at around 12pm, we went out of office for ORD lunch. Ah at dragon gate resturant.! ohh.. my man, it offered good food - tasty!

1st wave.

2nd wave

And the above 3 pictures are 3 waves of the 1st order! We had 8 persons on our table. Fantastic job of us.

the funny thing is: my friend wanted 3 pieces of Carrot Cake. But my friend who was taking the order interpreted wrongly. He thought he want 3 plates of 3 pieces of carrot cake. and he had a hard time putting it into his stomach.

At the end of the lunch, we all walked like humpty dumpty to our office

when we reached office at 2.30 pm and at 4 pm. we set to our new office - TRACOM. Damn. the place i stepped in since 1997.

and this is how my new table looks like:

another angle:

Will be shifting on 2nd June. Hmm.. still considering the mode of transport to my new office location.

And how many hours i worked today? 4 hours
And how many days i worked this week? 2.5 days

Is NS tough? Nah. not for me

Hmm.. i think my blog is kinda bored. Must think of way to make it more crappy. maybe the next entry.

Yingjia, see, you are dedicated for this entry. Happy or not?