Sunday, May 07, 2006

Voting Day

i think the PAP must be damn happy and proud lah.. that majority of the seats in the parliment belong to them. I think the opposition parties must work hard to strive for more seats, which i think will be possible for the next 10 years.

Went to Bedok to watch MI:3. ehh.. no choice gotta go there as it;s 2.50 cheaper. Anyway, i'm on MRT concession. so it doesn't actually cost much in total. Pretty nice show. Worth to watch. Far better than the 'War of the worlds'

We went to Geylang for dinner and, fuck, i will never go to that shop for dinner again. It cost us $77. Damn.. it's so expensive.. never in my life i will go there for such a costly dinner.

tian ji zhou


So we were wondering around over there while deciding where we are going next. As we were walking, (4 guys, 1 gal) we passed by those 'those' shophouses. and the gals came to me and asked me whether i want IT or not. i ignored them and walked away. so come the next shophouse, one of the gals smothered my arm and tickled me.

Ahh.. so weird. I am wondering do i have those sexual deprive aka desperate face and a message that shows: " Come to me, I need your service" on my face. -.-"Coz none of the 3 guys who were in front of me was touched or asked.

So we decided to Orchard and we chilled at one of the Mcdonalds. Soon, there was a couple walked in and, omg, she wore a skirt that is so short that i never ever see in my life before that. and we thought, well, ok. that's nothing special.

Until then, when she turned over after taking her order and go to her seat, what's shocking is.. we saw her nipples. Yup, i think a C cup, with two brown nipples popping out of her top. Raq, if i'm wrong on the cup size, pls enlighten me.

and i pity that Mcdonald stuff who was taking her order. I think he must had tried his best not to take order with her boobs. and the customer besider her just keep looking at her breast. well. can't help it. in fact, everyone is looking.

Last but not the least. My latest drawings some time back.


Two prostitutes were in a taxi, on their way home after "work".

Bitch 1 : I smell sperm!

Bitch 2 : Sorry, I burped!