Sunday, December 04, 2005

*yawn*.. back to home on fri.. after booking out but have to report to PA on sat morning.. for hiking..

rushed home wanted to go out with tristian, jasper and co.. but it was too late and tired for me.. fell asleep...

sat morning was cooling coz of the rain.. reached PA @ around 6.45 am.. changed attire and fall-in.. hmm.. kinda mixed emotion when OC announced that no more hiking! why mixed emotion?! coz.. i woke up at 5 am for this hike and only to be told there isn't any.. well.. then it changed to a PT session.. wow.. this session does really tire us down.. real whole body workout.. (excluding running)..

well.. went home and play my FM2006.. hehe.. waiting for a long time to play this game..
got a call from sun tian.. asking me to go out for a movie.. with lekmeng and raq

watched chicken little DIGITAL.. if anyone of you intend to watch.. pls choose the DIGITAL version.. it is definately much more clearer than the filmed-based movie..
anyway.. it was funny.. from the start till the end..

the crowd in orchard yesterday was so crowded.. look like one of these few weekends.. i shouldn't go there..

had buffet dinner with sun tian, raquel, and lek meng.. thanks for the treat.. guess how much it cost for each person?! $40++ .. but i think is kinda worthwhile.. some kind of international buffet.. here goes the pic for u all to drool..

this is fantastic.. chocholate machine.. cool.. so nice..

the name of the resturant

the lovely couple with their chocolate-man