Saturday, November 03, 2007


Hello, once again. I'm desperately wanting to get my salary into my bank account, after a recent spending these few weeks on sponsoring my bro's birthday party, and expensive driving lesson fees and some "comestic" sessions and products.

Other topic on hand was; I knew of a gal, like nearly a month ago, that her characters I was looking for and i kind of attracted to it. On the other hand was my gut feeling told me it can never come true, therefore I dun think i will want to reveal or even do anything else.

I just revive my laptop with a new wireless usb adapter to enhance the inability to capture wireless signal even at home environment.

Will be going to the east side once again tonight to celebrate a birthday event.

I am going back to Old PA from mon to wed to get some work done for my job.

Life is still good other than in r/s side which i think will complete my life expectation, as of now. Whatever it is, my concern and focus will be education and "career".