Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Ok this is bad. My internet connection keeps dropping off and on and i dun like the service from singnet. sigh. and i'm not sure whether it's my IE configuration or the server of some websites are down or it's singnet fault, i just can't simply surf some of the sites. it's so sad lah

My world cup winnings is quite heathly. Maybe it's slightly too conservative. Invested $40 for 4 matches with $10 a match and won $27.80 total.. but it's 100% record. at least i never lose in betting for this world cup.

and i have yet to cash in these tix! haha.. :p

what will u all do if u saw something like that in the bus?

my life this week is pretty dull.. i think i need to get some life.. hmm.. maybe can start from, on the bed.. hiak hiak

Today's enlistment not bad, saw some familier faces and i happened to chat with my friend in the Mess and all of my colleagues had those cheeky qns on me. -.-" thanks ah

i need to get 2 more shirts, 1 jean and 1 pant and that conclude my shopping list for the next 6 months?..